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CRY - SADs - SIDs  - are RIPOFFs
Charities if you fundraise for them you are mainly JUST keeping them in well-paid jobs.

 only 13% of the money you raise has to be used - 87% can be used on management.
EasyECG can identify a long QT interval in 30 seconds without striping of,

BUT CRY – SADs - etc.  Don’t want this because

without the problem they will be out of a job,

The NHS Don’t want this because at present people just drop down DEAD

 at no cost to NHS -

but if LQTs is identified a big cost to medicate them for the rest of their life’s

with the added problem that this genetic heart condition will proliferate.

BioLecTracer produces a heart trace on the software and the QT interval is very easy to see and measure

LongQT or LQTS in a nutshell

What is Long QT?

The time interval between the Q and T wave on a  BLT or ECG is abnormally long


BioLec SoftwareTrace                  BioLec SoftwareTrace                         standard ECG trace

The heartbeat when recorded by a BLT or ECG displays a trace with waves. Named in 1890 -P.Q.R.S.T.

(An Extended QTc interval can sometimes be drug induced)

What is the "c" in QTc?

The c denotes that a mathematical correction has been made to account for the heart rate

BUT big problems with QTc.
The MHRA allow many (deadly) differing formulae to be used. NO single standard exists. YET!

What is LQTS or LongQT SYNDROME?

This is a genetic inherited condition that affects the heart. Commonly denoted by an extended QT/QTc interval.

How common is inherited LongQT?

The frequency of Long QT is unknown but it appears to be a common cause of sudden and
unexplained death in children and young adults. It is much more common than previously thought

What are the symptoms of LongQT?

The usual symptoms are sudden loss of consciousness (syncope) or sudden death

Many accidental drownings and unexplained car accidents have historically been LongQT

How is Long QT diagnosed?

Diagnosis is commonly only suspected first and confirmed by an ECG.

The QT/QTc interval can be modestly prolonged and even normal in individuals but if LongQT
is known in the extended family then a Stress-ECG to confirm, or a DNA test must be done.
Otherwise this constitutes negligence.

LQTS is often misdiagnosed as epilepsy and costly unhelpful medications have been prescribed for years.

What is a stress/exercise ECG test?

Exercise on a treadmill for 10 or 15 minutes keeping heart rate less than 150 bpm,

the presence of a cardiologist is mandatory.

The QT/QTc interval that may be borderline or even normal at rest canbecome distinctly abnormal during exercise.

How do you treat Long QT Syndrome?

Beta-blocker medications are the mainstay of therapy.

These medications are effective in about 90 per cent of affected people.

Are there any screening programs for Long QT Syndrome?

NO - No cost-effective method has been available.

NOW there IS with BioLecTracer


Have you been diagnosed with?

Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy and had your children taken away and know you did not harm them.

Have you been diagnosed with EPILEPSY

and maybe don't get any benefit from the medication?

Do you suffer with LongQT?
Do you think you may have LongQT?

If so please contact

Mr Robert Merlyn Farwell

Telephone +44(0)1384 374829

Mob 07973 653612 Or Email


With a view to having free tests

other sites that may be of use








BioLecTracer Research Project
Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy (MSBP)
Sudden Adult Death syndrome (SADs)
Sudden Infant Death syndrome (SIDs)
LongQT Syndrome (LQTS)

 If you are or have had dealings with any of the above or know others who have then please read on.

I believe LQTS is the culprit in some Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy cases.
LQTS is often misdiagnosed as epilepsy and costly unhelpful long-term medication prescribed.

Ref - http://emj.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/22/8/600

A 50 year old woman with a previous diagnosis of epilepsy presented to the emergency department with a generalised seizure. Her admission ECG showed QT prolongation secondary to bradycardia and a subsequent seizure in the department demonstrated that these events were secondary to cerebral hypoperfusion during episodes of torsades de pointes. This case illustrates how long QT syndrome can masquerade convincingly as epilepsy, delaying treatment and exposing the patient to a high risk of sudden cardiac death. Careful ECG analysis is recommended for all patients presenting with seizures.


Invented / Developed / Designed /Manufactured by Mr Robert Merlyn Farwell 
PIElectronics (Pioneering Inventions & Electronics)
Camalot Castle Parkfield Road Stourbridge DY8 1HD. UK